I decided to tackle the giant. First, I got the room looking as if it was clean on the outside. Then, I decided to start small (the fabric stash just seems too much still!).
I realized that I had bags and bags of yarn and partially finished crocheting projects that needed to be dealt with if I ever want to achieve the perfection of a clean craft room. Time to attack the yarn. Here is what my yarn collection looked like before. I had to pull the drawer completely out of the chest because it was so bad!

I have never been a yarn "baller" always preferring to just leave it in the skeins it comes in. I never really saw the point in rolling the yarn into balls. Let me tell you, I get it now. Check out this ball of yarn's before and after pictures. The space saved is amazing!
After I balled this first skein, I was sold. I methodically turned the rest of my yarn stash into tight little (or in some cases big) balls.

I am VERY proud of the final product!